You’ve made it through the cooler months and can’t wait to get swimming! It’s a good idea to open your pool early to ensure it has fared well over the winter and will be ready for those humid days that are just around the corner.
Here are some tried-and-true tips to get your pool ready ASAP:
- Plan ahead. Your pool won’t be swim ready as soon as it’s opened. The water has been lying dormant for several months, so it’s not safe for use yet, plus you have to make sure everything’s working properly.
- Check for leaks and repair immediately. With proper care and upkeep, pools can often last for decades. There are three common leaks: Fitting; Structural; and Plumbing. Begin by checking the shell of the pool to look for tears in the vinyl or cracks in the plaster. You also need to examine the tile line and take a closer look inside the skimmers. The most common leaks occur when the concrete pool and the plastic skimmer become separated. When in doubt, always call in a professional. As with all repairs, the quicker a problem is remedied, the less expensive it’ll be. As a rule of thumb, if you’re adding at least five centimetres/two inches of water to your pool weekly, you need to have a professional check for leaks.
- Monitor filter system. Check your system daily for the first several days after opening. Be sure to clean the filter, pump basket and automatic vacuuming system.
- Run filter system continually. Your pool’s filter system should be running 24 hours a day, at least for the first month after opening.
- Check and empty skimmer baskets often. Check the skimmer baskets and clean them out as frequently as you can.
- Don’t cheap out on chemicals. It’s especially important to use the right amount of chlorine. Your pool will need a great deal of oxidation after several months without filtration. Keep your chlorine level in the 2-3 ppm range for a couple of weeks after the initial startup.
- Check cyanuric acid level. Cyanuric acid is added to many chlorine products as a stabilizing slow-release agent, but too much isn’t good. Over time, the cyanuric level will rise and negate the effectiveness of the chlorine. Diluting the cyanuric to a level below 100 ppm will ensure the effectiveness of your chlorine.
- Brush pool daily. Assist your filtration system by brushing your pool daily. Or, buy a robotic pool cleaner that will complete this task for you as well as vacuum the pool’s surface.
- Test and balance the water. Having problems balancing the water on your own? Be sure to call in a professional. Many pool supply companies also offer onsite testing. It’s always best to play it safe.
- Jump in and enjoy!